Holy Week Services
Chapel of the Resurrection will be holding the following on-site services this Holy Week:
Maundy Thursday (Holy Communion Service): 1 Apr, 7:30pm at COR Sanctuary
Good Friday: 2 Apr, 8am and 10am at COR Sanctuary, Shaw Hall and #01-14/15
Easter Sunday (Holy Communion Service): 4 Apr, 8am and 10am at COR Sanctuary and Shaw Hall
Due to limitations in the number of attendees, entrance into all Holy Week service will strictly be on a ticketed basis. As slots for each service are limited, you and your family, including children are all required to register via this link: https://form.jotform.com/ChapelOR/HolyWeek2021
Registration for these Services opens on 21st March (Sunday), 2pm and closes on 28th March (Sunday), 2pm. Successful registrants will be notified via email by 31st March. Please note that you will not be assigned any specific zones. As you enter into the church, please show your entry pass to our usher who will assign you a Zone based on a first come, first serve basis.
The Good Friday (10am only) and Easter Sunday (10am only) Services will be live streamed:
Good Friday: https://tinyurl.com/corgdfri2021
TraceTogether-only Check-in
Chapel of the Resurrection is implementing TraceTogether-only check-in for our On-Site Service. Please check in using the TraceTogether (TT) App, or the TT token. As an interim measure, you may use your NRIC to check in if you have not already obtained the TT token or app. SafeEntry check ins using SingPass or web browsers will be discontinued.
All members must have their masks on at all times.
There should be no mingling with one another before, during and after the Service.
Seniors (70 years and older), and members with pre-existing medical conditions are discouraged from joining the Worship Service. We encourage you to join us for Good Friday and Easter Services online.