by Lynette Wong
This being my first time going on a medical mission trip, I was apprehensive as I did not know what to expect. After spending five days in Cambodia, I can safely say it has been a very fruitful, meaningful, and eye-opening experience.
From the very beginning as we were planning for the mission trip, things were not exactly smooth sailing. Whether it be the recruitment of people, the amount of medication provided, or even the weather. However, one lesson that I have learnt from this mission trip is that God always provides. He gave us 10 team members when a month prior, no one had signed up. He gave us enough medication for all the villagers when we thought there would not be enough. He gave us good weather so all the clinics could proceed. God answered all our prayers and we saw His hand in every situation. He once again proved Himself to be the ever faithful God.

We stayed in Kampong Speu and set up clinic at 4 villages – P’kong Village, Krung Ampril Village, Kom Nop Village, and Prey K’dei church.
Working together with a doctor, pharmacist and nurse from a local non-governmental organisation, One-2-One, we saw and treated a total of 255 villagers. Pastor Tit Hieng, Pastor Lina, Pastor Vibol and Savy contributed greatly as well, praying for each and every one of the villagers we saw, conducting a children’s programme and also aiding in the logistics and translation.

I felt privileged to have this opportunity to share God’s love to those in need. I am not a doctor and do not possess any medical knowledge or skills. However, just being able to play a part in helping the villagers in this capacity is something I am thankful for. This medical mission trip has opened my eyes to the situation in Cambodia, with my biggest takeaway being gratitude. I am grateful to God for everything that I have been blessed with in Singapore. This experience has made me realise how much we take things for granted. I want to be a shining light for Christ, to share His love and be a channel of blessing to the people around me, both near and far.
Writer’s Profile:
Lynette is a third generation COR member and attends the Sunday Worship Service, together with her parents Caleb and Adeline. She is nineteen this year.

This article first appeared in Issue 18, July 2018 CHORUS Magazine.