by Suzanne Ng

Living in a fast paced world with its accompanying distractions and demands, doesn’t readily give us time to stop and smell the roses. We are so caught up with various programmes, events, appointments and the next popular thing in the world, that we become burnt out and frustrated with life itself.
What then can we do to keep our life simple in this chaotic world that we are living in?
I think the answer is not too far off. What we need is to be faithful to spend time being in His presence and to allow His simple Godly truth to be instilled in our hearts, for He is our guide and support even when life gets busy.
Keeping Life Simple by Joyce Chow is a book in season. Drawing insight from her own personal journey with God, the book shares simple truths on finding rest in God even when life get busy and though we are caught up with various tasks, we can still lead meaningful lives.
Using the Fruit of the Spirit in Galations 5:22 – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control, she brings us back to the foundation of being connected to God and a reminder of how God desires to communicate with us even in our busyness. Through the process of learning the nine qualities of the Fruit of the Spirit, we will begin to allow the spirit of God to perfect what He intended in our lives and to nurture us as we slowly grow in God.
This is one book that relates to our heart and the 3 important lessons which I learnt upon my reflection after reading this book are: 1. The “Mary & Martha Service”. God is pleased when we serve him but He is even more delighted when our wholehearted attention is on Him. 2. God desires us to be still in Him and that is where we can drink from the source, to stop and listen to His guidance and be refreshed in Him. These are the moments that will save us when life gets tough. 3. Declutter regularly. Clutter complicates life so if we want to keep our lives simple, we need to declutter things that prevents us from living an abundant life.
Despite the lightheartedness found in this book, the simple yet important truths are not to be taken lightly. With short chapters filled with profound truths, it is reflective and suitable for our contemporary lifestyle.
Keeping Life Simple is an extremely readable book. It is suitable for a young or older person and even for someone who doesn’t enjoy reading. It is also really useful for the busy people of this world. It can be used as a daily devotional material to build and encourage fellow pilgrims in this journey with God.
Writer’s Profile:
Suzanne worships at Saturday Praise Service with her husband, Jonah and her adorable son, Caleb. She serves in the Hospitality Ministry. She enjoys watching soccer and is an ardent ManUnited supporter.

This article first appeared in Issue 18, July 2018 CHORUS Magazine.