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In our 2017 CHORUS Magazine survey, a significant minority of respondents indicated that they would prefer to read the CHORUS Magazine online, although the majority still prefers to read the magazine as a hardcopy.

Happily, the publications team is able to accommodate all our readers as we still intend to publish our well-received magazines as hard copies, and archive our articles online for those who prefer reading on their digital devices.

Furthermore, our team will be uploading all our older articles online, so that our new readers can find easy access to these older articles dating from 2012, when our magazines were first published.

We prayerfully hope that in doing so, the CHORUS articles will be a source of teaching, of encouragement, of inspiration to our readers’ Christian walk.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14


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