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Lent Prayer Journey: Ashes to Life

A special prayer room was designed and set up by the SERVErs to encourage members to spend time in prayer and meditation during Lent this year. Read about the experiences of Ena and Michelle as they journeyed the different stations at the prayer room.

by Ena Lee (Saturday Praise Service)

We are very thankful for the team 15 that took so much effort to create the Lent Prayer Room.

Personally, I didn’t quite know what to expect. But God’s presence was so real throughout. I broke down at station 4: The Cross. Psalm 51 hit home. We are so wretched, and all of us need God’s mercy. I found myself sobbing as God showed me areas of my life that I needed forgiveness for, and needed His strength to overcome. It was a struggle, but it was a time of surrender, a moment of choosing to obey, and saying, “I forgive you. God bless you” to those who’ve hurt you so bad. God only needed me to trust in Him, which I did. Whatever heavy burdens were lifted up to Him. He traded them with His peace and His joy. I thank God for that amazing personal encounter with Him.

My Cell Group, Akouo was so blessed, each of us individually. So thanks a bunch guys!

by Michelle Ler (Mustard Seed Service)

Prayer has always been something that I regarded as something I did more often if I had more time to spend with God or if I had something I was troubled with or worried about. The idea of specially taking a longer time out just for continuous prayer was unfamiliar to me. Even during cell time, we normally have a specific topic or chapter in the Bible that we can discuss and pray about.

Having nothing particular in my mind when I walked into the room, I felt lost and worried as I did not know how to make full use of the time in the prayer room. I started off the first station feeling awkward and wondering what I should do or pray about, but as I went through the next few stations, “I got more comfortable with just quietening my heart and dwelling in the presence of God. It gave me time to reflect about what I truly felt like I should pray about, and more importantly, to give myself the space to listen to what God wanted me to pray about.

The 2nd station spoke to me the most when we spent time colouring the different things that we could reflect about. I spent time to give a specific thought to each of these areas and commit all of them into His hands. It was a really refreshing time for me and a new experience that taught me how to spend an extended time of prayer with Him.

Issue 18

This article first appeared in Issue 18, July 2018 CHORUS Magazine.


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