Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear, do not be discouraged.”
A story is told of a little boy who began crying in the middle of a crowded shopping centre. “Mummy?! Mummy?! Where are you? I want my mummy!!” he cried. As people began to come over to attend to him, the little boy suddenly spotted his mum from the corner of his eye! She was sitting there this whole time waving at him!
Was the boy lost? Well, yes and no. Yes, because he was lost and that sense of fear was real. But no, he wasn’t really lost because his mum was there the whole time, eyes fixed on him and waving out to him. Truth be told, the main problem was because the boy had lost sight of his mum. His mum would never have abandoned him nor leave him.
This story gives us a good descriptive of God’s presence in our lives. All too often, we wander off playing on our own and we lose sight of God. Many times, we end up distant, discouraged, and sad. We cry and wonder whether God was there at all. So with clenched fist and swollen eyes, we cry out, “God, where were you?”
But the truth is, if we calm ourselves down and look past the crowds in life and our own fears, insecurities and anxieties, we would see God right then waving and calling out to us.
Whether we are going through the calm or the storm today, shall we take some time right now to commit ourselves afresh to the Lord? Let us take the next 3 minutes to acknowledge and give thanks for God’s sovereign presence in every season of our lives.
Rev. Dr Jeremy-Joe Tan