In this past week, we have learnt:
1. God has bestowed human beings with ultimate dignity and value by putting his image in us. This understanding stands at the heart of human compassion, justice and equality. As we remember that God has chosen each one of us to be His image-bearer, we must treat one another with honor and dignity.
2. God has given us a physically body in male and female forms. We need to learn to love our bodies in whichever form as gifted by God.
3. God created mankind as male and female so that we can complement each other as we work together to fulfill His purposes for creation.
4. Procreation is an important aspect of marriage. Male and female, as two distinct and unique bearers of God’s image, are drawn to each other in an exclusive relationship of love. This love between husband and wife, does not end with the couple, but overflows in the procreation of a new human person.
5. While marriage is God’s general will for mankind, some of us are called to singleness. Despite its challenges, as we rest in the unconditional love of God and surrender ourselves to his good and perfect will, we can live a fulfilling life before God. The church can play big role in caring for single people through a supportive network of friendship and love.
(1) Which of these devotions speak most intimately into your heart?
(2) What is the Lord saying to you?
(3) How does this change your perspective?
(4) Is there anything you should do?
Take some time to respond to the Lord in prayer.