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Nothing Is Impossible!

Vincent shares of God’s perfect timing in his father’s conversion and encourages us to persist in prayer.


by Vincent Wee

Wee Peck Hock, my late father, was a devoted Taoist for the majority of his life. He would pray fervently at his altar day and night without fail and on festivities, there would be additional prayers and rituals. Only when the joss sticks were half burnt would my father stick them into the joss urn. This was a familiar sight not only to the cleaner but also the neighbours in the condominium.

I became a Christian while in secondary school. Knowing Dad’s firm beliefs, I remember fearfully waiting for the right moment to tell Dad. For the next 40 years, I prayed for my parents’ and siblings’ salvation. One by one, my siblings eventually accepted Christ and they in turn raised their children in the faith. However, Dad and Mom remained unbelievers.

Two years ago, my youngest sister and her husband became believers. We rejoiced when Dad agreed to witness their baptisms. At the church, many spoke to my parents. They followed up with visits and took every opportunity to share the gospel and pray for them. My parents started to accept these people and were always happy to host them.

Sometime in December 2016, Dad suddenly announced to the family that he wished to get rid of his altar as he had decided to convert to Christianity. True to his words, after Chinese New Year in 2017, Dad made plans to removed the altar and idols that had been in his family for over 60 years.

Thereafter, Dad agreed to seek treatment for his legs and stomach and it was then that the doctors diagnosed Dad with terminal stage of colorectal cancer. The doctors gave him days to 2 weeks’ life expectancy. With God’s mercy and grace, Dad lived on for another 5 weeks and was able to say his goodbyes. More importantly, during that time, my parents prayed the sinner’s prayer while in the hospital and were baptized at home on 4 March 2017. Our Lord took Dad home on 19 March 2017, 2 months short of his 81st birthday.

When Dad gave up his Taoist ways and became a Christian, words could not describe our happiness. Given his background and upbringing, his conversion seemed impossible. Even the cleaner who witnessed the familiar sight of Dad’s devotion to the idols was amazed to learn of his conversion! While we do not doubt God’s ability to perform miracles and wonders in our time, the human part in us tend to focus on the odds. Oh how we shorten the arms of our God without realizing it at times. God in His perfect ways and timing will overcome any and all obstacles if only we will commit to Him our hearts’ deepest cares and concerns; leaving Him to do the healing and saving.

All glory to God! Amen.


Writer’s Profile:

Vincent has been attending Sunday Worship Service ever since the Malan Road days. H e is in Hwa Chiang’s cell group and plays the bass guitar in the music ministry.


This article first appeared in Issue 17, November 2017 CHORUS Magazine.




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